Israel Today: New Friends, Old Enemies?


A discussion with the leading experts in Israeli national security and regional affairs will attempt to outline the possible scenarios of the current situation in the Middle East, following Israeli war on Hamas and Hezbollah, Syrian regime-change as well as the possible outcome of Donald Trump’s policies towards the region. Moderated by Tomas Pojar, National Security Advisor of the Government of the Czech Republic and a Member of the PCTR Board.

Our guests:

Gedaliah Afterman is the Head of the Asia-Israel Policy Program at the Abba Eban Institute for Diplomacy and Foreign Relations and a lecturer at Reichman University and Tel Aviv University.

Eli Bar-On is a former civil servant and an expert in national security and international relations. He is the co-founder and executive director of MENA2050 – London-based international organisation dedicated to the regional development of Middle East and North Africa region.

Yossi Mann is a researcher in the Department of Middle Eastern studies in Bar-Ilan University. He focuses on the oil industry and energy markets.

Mark Regev is a veteran Israeli diplomat and a former Prime Minister’s Senior Advisor for Foreign Affairs. Currently he is a chairman of the Israeli Abba Eban Institute for Diplomacy and Foreign Relations.

Registration: Israel Today: New Friends, Old Enemies?

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