Media & Publications
Czech national interest and the new Donald Trump administration
Experts at the Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR) at CEVRO University have prepared a brief outline of the Czech Republic’s position on the occasion of the arrival of the 2nd administration of President Donald Trump. Czech version only.
Joe Biden’s Leaving
Director of the Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR) at CEVRO University Kateřina Weissová summed up Joe Biden’s era in an article for CEVRO Arena.
Security first! – Polish presidency in the EU Council
Poland takes over the six-month presidency of the Council of the EU, with security issues at the top of the agenda.
Trump, Putin and the Czech national security. An interview with Tomáš Pojar
An interview with the member of the PCTR Board and the National Security Advisor Tomáš Pojar.
Glen Howard: The Czech Arms Initiative for Ukraine: A Conversation with Tomáš Kopečný
The Prague Center for Transatlantic Relations hosted Glen Howard together with a delegation in Prague in September. One of the outcomes of this sucessful event, Glen Howard recorded a podcast episode with Tomáš Kopečný. The introduction text is below and you can check out the podcast HERE.
Izrael ve válce: Geopolitické důsledky
Centrum Transatlantických vztahů uspořádalo dne 21. února debatu s Danem Schueftanem a Jayem Footlikem Izrael ve válce: Geopolitické důsledky. Moderoval ji Michael Žantovský.
A New Axis of EviL? Geopolitical Contexts of Hamas Terror (CZ)
V sobotu 7. října 2023 se otevřela nová kapitola desítky let trvajícího konfliktu na Středním východě. Teroristům z Hamásu se podařilo proniknout na území Izraele a bestiálně zabít stovky nevinných civilistů a odvléct desítky rukojmích do Pásma Gazy. Události 7. října a následujících týdnů znovu otevírají otázky ohledně bezpečnosti a stability v celém regionu, kde geopolitické napětí dosahuje kritické úrovně.
The Electro-energy Security in the Czech Republic Until 2030
Author: Pavel Farkač
The Environmental and Health Risks of the Reduction of Farm Animal Breeding
Author: Petr Havel
How to Proceed in the Czech Energy Sector; Inevitable and Systemic Changes for the Future of the Czech Republic
The PCTR’s regular discussion was attended by thirty experts from the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and key government agencies, alongside with senior executives from private energy companies and energy consulting companies.
Technology Cooperations and Their Responsibility for Content on the Internet
Authors: Rudolf Leška and Michal Půr
Crossroad of Czech Energy
Author: Václav Bartuška
Intergovernmental Cooperation on the Fulfilling of NATO and EU commitments in the Field of the Development of Armament Capabilities
Authors: Daniel Koštoval and Jana Marco
The Different Views of Czech Experts and Politicians on Key Security Threats
Author: Jan Paďourek
Afghanistan: The Difficult Chapter Ahead
An article such as this might conclude with the phrase “at the end of the day…” But we’re not at the end of the day at all. We’re still in the very beginning of seeing how the American withdrawal from Afghanistan will affect us and the region. Expect that the debate in Washington will continue, even if it slowly loses steam as other problems, domestic and foreign, take its place on the stage.
Cameron Munter on President Biden’s trip to Europe
“There’s no doubt Joseph Biden is welcome in Europe. He’s a committed transatlanticist; his style is open and friendly; and most European leaders are comfortable with the broad contours of his liberal internationalist worldview. Most of all, he’s not Donald Trump, who baffled Europeans with his hostility and unilateralism.”
Russian Encroachment in Arab Countries Since 2011
Authors: Tomáš Kaválek & Filip Sommer
The Post-Soviet Organized Crime as a Threat to European Security
Author: Tomáš Šmíd
Our National, European and Western Identity. Their Significance and Future.
Author: Roman Joch
The Future of Transatlantic Relations in the Light of the US Presidential Elections
Author: Daniel Koštoval
Love or Pragmatism: Czech, Polish and Hungarian Relations towards Israel
Author: Irena Kalhousová
Geography, Borders and Methods of Russias Hybrid War
Author: Jaroslav Kurfürst
The Future of Conservatism – the Transatlantic Perspective
Author: Roman Joch
Russia and Central Europe: Russian Influence Operations in the Geostrategic Context
Author: Martina Heranová
European Security, NATO and its Eastern Borders – the Past and the Present
Authors: Bohuslav Pernica & František Šulc
Trumps Free-Trade Reform
Author: Lenka Zlámalová
Anti-Macron: A Different View on European Integration
Author: Alexandr Vondra
Conservative Realism: Czech Perspective, British Inspiration
Authors: Petr Fiala & Petr Mikš
Czech-American Relations: A Roadmap for the Future
The bilingual publication.
Authors: John K. Glenn, Bruce P. Jackson, Lukáš Kovanda, A. Wess Mitchell, Cameron Munter, Tomáš Pojar, Leah Scheunemann, Jiří Schneider, Alexandr Vondra
PCTR Newsletter (2/2016)
Lessons for Korean Peninsula?
Authors: Stanislav Balík, Tomáš Pojar, Ivo Pospíšil, Michael Romancov, Dušan Tříska, Michal Vodrážka, Alexandr Vondra.