
PCTR as a partner of the NATO Forum

PCTR as a partner of the NATO Forum

The NATO Public Forum is a public event jointly organised by NATO and the Host Nation Government with civil society organisations, taking place during the Summit meetings of NATO’s Heads of State and Government. This year the Centre for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR) is a proud partner of the event!

The 2024 UK Election: the Crisis of Conservatism

The 2024 UK Election: the Crisis of Conservatism

The Prague Center for Transatlantic Relations hosted a discussion with Matthew Goodwin, Professor of Politics at Rutherford College, University of Kent: The 2024 UK Election: the Crisis of Conservatism. The discussion took place on Tuesday, June 25, at 17:00 at CEVRO, Jungmannova 17, Prague 1.

A Discussion with Federico Faggin

A Discussion with Federico Faggin

The Prague Center for Transatlantic Relations organized a discussion with Federico Faggin, inventor of the first commercial microprocessor and one of the greatest luminaries of high technology alive today: From the Microprocessor Through AI to the Human Consciousness. It was held on Wednesday, June 12, at 17:00 at CEVRO, Jungmannova 17, Prague 1.
Roberto Brazzale will introduce Federico Faggin, and Mojmír Hampl moderated the discussion.
Roberto Brazzale will introduce Federico Faggin, and Mojmír Hampl will moderate the discussion.

The Foreign Policy Priorities of Azerbaijan with Jeyhun Bayramov

The Foreign Policy Priorities of Azerbaijan with Jeyhun Bayramov

The Prague Center for Transatlantic Relations held an expert discussion on The Foreign Policy Priorities of Azerbaijan with Jeyhun Bayramov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan. It took place Tuesday, April 23, at 14:00 at CEVRO, Jungmannova 17, Prague 1 and was moderated by Tomas Pojar.

Israel at War: Geopolitical Consequences

Israel at War: Geopolitical Consequences

On February 21st the Prague Center for Transatlantic Relations organized a discussion called Israel at War:
Geopolitical Consequences. The speakers were Dan Schueftan and Jay Footlik, and the moderator was Michael Žantovský.

Putin’s Russia without Illusions

Putin’s Russia without Illusions

On February 24th, two years will have passed since Ukraine was attacked by Putin’s Russia. Presidential elections will take place in Russia from March 15th to 17th.

Budování státu: Inovace a stagnace

Budování státu: Inovace a stagnace

Vysoká škola CEVRO ve spolupráci s partnery z Future Forces Forum (FFF), Asociací obranného a bezpečnostního průmyslu (AOBP) a Centrem transatlantických vztahů (PCTR) vás srdečně zvou na konferenci s peroutkovským názvem: 

Budování státu: inovace, nebo stagnace, která se uskuteční 18. ledna 2024 od 13 hod. v prostorách Vysoké školy CEVRO, Jungmannova 17, Praha 1. Účast na konferenci je po registraci zdarma.

Gad Shimron: Israel Never Forgets…

Gad Shimron: Israel Never Forgets…

A debate titled “Israel Never Forgets” and the presentation of the Czech translation of Execution of the Hangman of Riga: The Only Execution of a Nazi War Criminal by the Mossad by Gad Shimron took place on the 28th of November.

New Era of Collective Defense for NATO

New Era of Collective Defense for NATO

On the 22nd of November at 17:30 the Prague Center for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR) together with the Czech Army and NATO hosted an even carrying the name “New Era of Collective Defense for NATO”.

Axis of Evil – Geopolitical Contexts of Hamas Terror

Axis of Evil – Geopolitical Contexts of Hamas Terror

On October 23rd, a debate on the topic “Axis of Evil – Geopolitical Contexts of Hamas Terror” took place at the CEVRO College. The event was organized by the Center for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR). The participants included Member of the European Parliament and Chairman of the PCTR Council, Alexandr Vondra, National Security Advisor and PCTR Council member Tomáš Pojar, and PCTR experts Jaroslav Kuchyňa and Michael Žantovský. The debate was moderated by Jan Fingerland from Český Rozhlas.

Closed expert debate: The End of Coal?

Closed expert debate: The End of Coal?

On the 3rd of October PCTR hosted a closed expert debate from its cycle focusing on energy. The theme of this weeks meeting was The End of Coal? The main speakers were Daniel Beneš from ČEZ and Pavel Tykač, an owner of the group Sev.en. The meeting was moderated by a member of PCTR, Tomáš Pojar.

New Threats and Secure Communication

New Threats and Secure Communication

Conference organized by the Prague Center for Transatlantic Relations, CEVRO Institute under the auspices of the US Embassy in Prague and Vít Rakušan, The First Deputy Prime Minister of the Czech Republic and Minister of the Interior.

Energy Security: Balkans solutions, not Balkans problems

Energy Security: Balkans solutions, not Balkans problems

Prague Center for Transatlantic Relations cordially invites you to a discussion with Václav Bartuška, Ambassador-at-Large for Energy Security, MFA John Jovanovic, CEO, Nova Fleet and Peter Stohr, Director, Premier Energy Group:  Energy Security: Balkans solutions, not Balkans problems on Monday, September 11 at 17:00, CEVRO Institute, Jungmannova 28, Praha 1. Cameron Munter, PCTR Senior Fellow, will moderate it.

A debate with Prof. Václav Smil

A debate with Prof. Václav Smil

Srdečně zveme na debatu s profesorem Václavem Smilem pořádanou Centrem Transatlantických vztahů (PCTR), která se uskuteční v pondělí 22. května od 17:00 v Atriu CEVRO Institutu, Jungmannova 28, Praha 1. Debata s názvem Evropa, Amerika, Asie: kdo s koho? Bude moderována Alexandrem Vondrou.

Armenia’s Democratic Journey in a Turbulent Region: The Need for Security and Stability

Armenia’s Democratic Journey in a Turbulent Region: The Need for Security and Stability

Prague Center for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR) and Prague Center for Middle East Relations (PCMR) cordially invite you to a discussion with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, on Thursday, May 4 at 18:00, CEVRO Institute, Jungmannova 28, Praha 1. The discussion titled Armenia’s Democratic Journey in a Turbulent Region: The Need for Security and Stability will be moderated by Alexandr Vondra, MEP.

BOOK LAUNCH: Invasion: Russia’s Bloody War and Ukraine’s Fight for Survival

BOOK LAUNCH: Invasion: Russia’s Bloody War and Ukraine’s Fight for Survival

Prague Center for Transatlantic Relations, CEVRO Institute hosted a discussion with Luke Harding on Thursday, March 2 at 17:00, CEVRO Institute, Jungmannova 28, Praha 1.

The Czech translation of his latest book Invasion: Russia’s Bloody War and Ukraine’s Fight for Survival (Invaze: Ruská krvavá válka a ukrajinský boj o přežití) was launched at this event, co-organized with ZEĎ Publishing House.

The Czech translation of his latest book Invasion: Russia’s Bloody War and Ukraine’s Fight for Survival (Invaze: Ruská krvavá válka a ukrajinský boj o přežití) will be launched at this event, co-organized with ZEĎ Publishing House.

Please, register at

Possible approaches to the revival of the mobilization system of material resources and production capacities in the light of current threats

Possible approaches to the revival of the mobilization system of material resources and production capacities in the light of current threats

On January 10, under the auspices of the PCTR, a closed expert debate on the issue of the approach to revitalizing the mobilization system of material resources and production capacities took place at the CEVRO Institute. The invitation to the debate was accepted by Lieutenant General Ing. Karel Řehka, František Šulc, Luboš Kovařík, and David Hác.



As we await the results of the US midterm elections, join us to assess the first two years of the Biden administration and what we can expect from the following two. We will discuss US social, economic, and foreign policy issues. What issues will motivate Americans to vote? What is the crucial agenda Americans will focus on in their electoral decision? Will the results of these elections affect the US policy toward Ukraine or limit Biden’s generous spending programs? Why Trump’s popularity outnumbers Biden’s, according to many polls and what would be the impact of the former president on midterms? Does Trump have a chance to retake the presidency? Or will the midterms indicate the strengths and weaknesses of other potential candidates?

Montenegro and the Balkans following the Russian Aggression on Ukraine

Montenegro and the Balkans following the Russian Aggression on Ukraine

The main guest of the expert who closed the debate by PCTR was Miodrag Vlahovic, who talked about the maintaining influence of the Russian Federation in the countries of west Balkan and about the means and operations, that Russia uses to achieve this. The debate was moderated by the Balkan expert Matyáš Zrno.

Freedom and Order in the Online World

Freedom and Order in the Online World

The presentation of the research paper titled Technology Cooperations and Their Responsibility for Content on the Internet, written under PCTR and the New Direction Foundation by JUDr. Rudolf Leška and Michal Půr took place on the 12th of May.

Decarbonization of Energy vs. Energy Security

Decarbonization of Energy vs. Energy Security

The debate was opened by a brief presentation of two research papers: The Electro-energy Security in the Czech Republic Until 2030 written by the main analyst of Sev. en Pavel Farkač and Crossroad of Czech Energy by the commissioner for energy security Václav Bartuška.

Turkey and the EU Relations in the Context of Russian Aggression in Ukraine

Turkey and the EU Relations in the Context of Russian Aggression in Ukraine

The Center for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR) and the Center for Middle East Relations (PCMR) of the CEVRO Institute held a debate on Turkey-EU relations in the context of Russian aggression in Ukraine on 5 April 2022 with Faruk Kaymakci, Turkish Deputy Foreign Minister and Director of European Affairs.

NATOs Evolving Role in Global Stability

NATOs Evolving Role in Global Stability

PCTR had the honor to host the Deputy Secretary General of NATO Mircea Geoană at a debate in the CEVRO Institute during his visit to the Czech Republic. His lecture and a follow-up debate were organized by the PCTR in cooperation with the Ministery of Foreign Affairs, Jagello 2000, and the Aspen Institute.

Jan Paďourek Presented his Works

Jan Paďourek Presented his Works

The launch of two publications took place at the CEVRO Institute on 9 March. Jan Paďourek, Senior Fellow of the CEVRO Institute’s Center for Transatlantic Relations, participated in both as an author.

Central and Eastern Europe‘s Security: Facing Russian Threats

Central and Eastern Europe‘s Security: Facing Russian Threats

Geopolitics is back. Since 2014 our region has been again confronted with the political instability at its borders, the incertitude created by the tectonic processes in global politics and economy, and the rise of new security threats. One of the reactions to those processes is strengthening cooperation in the CEE region, represented by initiatives such as Trimarium or Bucharest Nine.

State Priorities in Energy Sector in the Near Term

State Priorities in Energy Sector in the Near Term

Another invitation-only expert debate focusing on critical challenges of the Czech energy sector took place on November 2. Vladimír Dlouhý, President of The Czech Chamber of Commerce, and Jiří Feist, Strategy Director of EP Energy, opened the discussion with their remarks. 

PCTR hosted Kurt Volker

PCTR hosted Kurt Volker

Kurt Volker accepted PCTRs invitation to visit the Czech Republic on September 6-9. His wife, Ia Meurmishvili, who works for the Georgian desk of Voice of America, accompanied him.

The Upcoming Decade…

The Upcoming Decade…

Another invitation-only expert debate focusing on critical challenges of the Czech energy sector took place on September 7. Martin Durčák, chairman of the Board of ČEPS, and Pavel Tykač, owner of the Sev.en Energy AG, opened the discussion with their remarks, Alexander Vondra and Tomáš Pojar moderated it.

Dukovany After Vrbětice

Dukovany After Vrbětice

The debate focused on questions like How to secure energy self-sufficiency in the Czech Republic after closing coal power plants.

Recording of the Debate with Benjamin Hodges

Recording of the Debate with Benjamin Hodges

While visting the Czech Republic in May, 2021, Benjamin Hodges made an appearance in the CEVRO Institute. You can now find the recording of the event here, or on the CEVRO Institute Youtube channel.

PCTR hosted LTG Ben Hodges in Prague

PCTR hosted LTG Ben Hodges in Prague

LTG Ben Hodges (Ret) visited the Czech Republic at the invitation of the Prague Center for Transatlantic Relations CEVRO Institute on May 25-27. He made a speech titled One Flank, One Threat, One Presence and discussed the actual threats the transatlantic allies face today with PCTR experts and guests from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defense, diplomats, defence industry representatives, and journalists on Tuesday, May 25.

Biden, Europe and Us: New Policy or Just New Rhetoric?

Biden, Europe and Us: New Policy or Just New Rhetoric?

A discussion about Biden Administration’s foreign policy towards Europe took place on the 12th of April 2021.
The opening remarks were made by Veronika Kuchyňová Šmigolová, Assistant Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Non-European Countries and Zdeněk Beránek, DCM, The Czech Embassy in Washington, D.C.

The Czech Defense and Security Policy: Where Did It Disappear?

The Czech Defense and Security Policy: Where Did It Disappear?

More than twenty key figures of the Czech defence, security, and intelligence communities gathered to convey their opinions on the Czech defence and security system’s pressing challenges.
Opening remaks:
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Martin Povejšil and Deputy Minister of Defense Jan Havránek

Challenges and Opportunities for European Security and Defence

Challenges and Opportunities for European Security and Defence

Alexandr Vondra and Tomáš Pojar participated in the conference organized by The Portuguese Presidency of The Council of The European Union on security and defence issues.  Alexandr Vondra had the opportunity to discuss the actual challenges of the transatlantic relationship with João Gomes Cravinho, Minister of Defence of Portugal.

The Storm Before The Calm with George Friedman

The Storm Before The Calm with George Friedman

His latest book The Storm Before The Calm (2020) was translated into Czech as Klid před bouří (Tomáš Krsek Publishers) only a few months after being published in the United States and was the main topic of the discussion.
The debate with George Friedman took place on March 11. The debate was opened by Alexandr Vondra and later discussion moderated by Tomáš Pojar.

Personnel Is Policy with Cameron Munter

Personnel Is Policy with Cameron Munter

Briefing by Cameron Munter about what to expect from the key members of Biden’s foreign polity team.
Cameron Munter has been PCTRs senior fellow from February 2021. He worked for nearly thirty years in the service of American diplomacy.
The briefing took place on February 25.

Arab – Israeli Thaw: Triumph of U.S. Foreign Policy

Arab – Israeli Thaw: Triumph of U.S. Foreign Policy

Hanane Saadi, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to the Czech Republic
Daniel Meron, Ambassador of Israel to the Czech Republic
Jan Zahradil, Member of the European Parliament
Moderated by Alexandr Vondra, Chairman of the PCTR Board and Member of the European Parliament

Online discussion with Wilfried Jilge

Online discussion with Wilfried Jilge

In cooperation with Hanns Seidel Stiftung (HSS) and with the media support of Natoaktual organised, PCTR hosted an online discussion with a German expert Wilfried Jilge on Russian Influence in Germany and the Current State of Play of German-Russian Relations. The debate was moderated by Tomáš Pojar, Vice-Rector of CEVRO Institute.

Online discussion with Jay Footlik and Rick Smotkin

Online discussion with Jay Footlik and Rick Smotkin

Two different views on the upcoming U.S. elections were offered by Jay Footlik and Rick Smotkin. The debate was moderated by Tomáš Pojar, Vice-Rector of CEVRO Institute. That is what was presented in the online discussion on September 21, organized by the PCTR.

Online discussion with Douglas Murray

Online discussion with Douglas Murray

The debate with leading British conservative journalist and writer Douglas Murray on cultural wars in times of the pandemic took place on June 22 and was moderated by Alexandr Vondra, Honorary Chairman of PCTR.  Douglas Murray is currently the main star of the weekly The Spectator.

Online discussion with John Rood

Online discussion with John Rood

John Rood was the Chief American Negotiator on the location of a previously planned part of the missile defence system on the Czech territory. In addition to many years of service as Under Secretary of State and Defense and as a member of the National Security Council he worked as an analyst for the CIA as well. During his career in the private sector, he also served as Vice President at Lockheed Martin and Rytheon Company.

Online discussion with Tom Gross

Online discussion with Tom Gross

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) organised an online discussion with British journalist and foreign policy expert Tom Gross on Boris Johnson and his capabilities to handle the pandemic and to lead Britain to Brexit. The debate was moderated by Tomáš Pojar, Vice-Rector of CEVRO Institute.

Online discussion with Bruno Maçães

Online discussion with Bruno Maçães

PCTR organised an online discussion with former Portuguese Secretary of State for European Affairs (2013-2015) Bruno Maçães on the pandemic, the crisis which brings and how will be coped by East, West, the U.S. and the EU.


NATO Cohesive and Combatable: Myth or Reality? NATO in light of the Turkish invasion of Syria

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) organised a public debate “NATO Cohesive and Combatable: Myth or Reality? NATO in light of the Turkish invasion of Syria”. The event was organized in collaboration with The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), a leading research institute dedicated to the study of Central-East Europe and Russia.

Are the British going crazy, or Europe?

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) organised a public debate and presentation of book “Her Majesty’s rats”. The book was published by ZEĎ. Among other things, the publisher has exclusive rights to extradite the American-Israeli writer Tuvia Tenenbom, whose witty and clever “political travelogues” All their lies, Hey, refugees! and Catch the Jew! immediately became bestsellers in our country.

Post-Election negotiation in Israel: Will Bibi Become a Pensioner?

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) organised a public debate and launching of the publication “Post-Election negotiation in Israel: Will Bibi Become a Pensioner?”. Will be Benjamin Netanjahu, as the longest-serving Prime Minister of Israel, able to build once again the government? Who will be the next Israeli Prime Minister and how much is Israel threatened by the third elections within one year?

The Future of Europe: Hayek or Keynes?

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) organised a public debate “The Future of Europe: Hayek or Keynes”. The debate took place on Tuesday, June 4, 2019, from 2:00 pm, in the CEVRO Institute (Jungmannova 17, Prague 1).


Son of Hamas: A story of Hamas Founder’s Son

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) in cooperation with publishers house Rosa Media s.r.o. organized a public debate “Son of Hamas: A story of Hamas Founder’s Son”. The debate took place on November 20, 2018 from 5:00 until 7:00 pm, at the CEVRO Institute (Jungmannova 17, Prague 1).

The Future of Conservatism: German Experience

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) in cooperation with Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung (HSS) organized a public debate “The Future of Conservatism: German Experience”. The debate took place on Thursday, December 6, 2018 from 5:00 until 7:00 pm, in the atrium of the CEVRO Institute (Jungmannova 17, Prague 1).

Russian Influence Operations: The Baltic View

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) in cooperation with Civic Institute organized a public debate “Russian Influence Operations: The Baltic View”. The debate took place on Tuesday, December 4, 2018 from 5:00 until 7:00 pm, at the CEVRO Institute.

NATO in the 21st Century and the Czech Armed Forces: A Way Forward

On Thursday, November 8th, The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) and the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) co-hosted one of the most exciting debates of this year so far. The venue took place at the usual location at the parent organization CEVRO Institute (Jungmannova 17, Praha 1).

Army for the 21st Century: Israeli Perspective

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) held a public debate “Army for the 21st Century: Israeli Perspective”. The event took take place on Thursday, November 1, 2018, in the atrium of the CEVRO Institute (Jungmannova 17, Prague 1).

The West in Donald Trump’s Era

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic relation of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) in cooperation with the Festival of Democracy 2018, Associated Program of the Forum 2000 Conference, invites you to a public lecture “The West in Donald Trump´s Era”. The lecture took place on Tuesday, October 9, 2018, from 5:00 pm in the atrium of the CEVRO Institute (Jungmannova 17, Prague 1).

FBI and Cyber Security

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) in cooperation with ČIMIB (association of experts in the field of information security) held a public debate „FBI and Cyber Security”, which took place on Thursday, May 24, 2018, from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm on the CEVRO Institute (Jungmannova 17, Prague 1).

Czech-American Relations – the Next 100 Years Starts Now

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) held a public debate called “Czech-American Relations- the Next 100 Years Starts Now”. Our guest was Stephen B. King, who is currently the U.S. Ambassador in the Czech Republic.

USA and European Security

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) in cooperation with Jagello2000 held a public debate called “The USA and European security”.

Trends in US Society and Politics

This time Amnon Cavari, the head of the Political Marketing Graduate Program and a co-chair of the Centre for Statistical Consulting at IDC visited CEVRO Institute to comment on the trends in US society and politics.

Wars in the Middle East

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) in cooperation with the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) held a public debate called “Wars in the Middle East”.


Democracy at War: Israel’s Twisted Image in Western Democracies

On Tuesday 10th 2017, The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR) in cooperation with Forum 2000 held another important debate at the CEVRO Institute. The topic of this debate “Democracy at war: Twisted view of Israel in Western democracies” could not be more timely

Czech-German Security Cooperation

On June 12, the Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) in cooperation with Jagello 2000 and DAG – Deutsche Atlantische Gesellschaft held a public debate on “Czech-German Security Cooperation”.

European Germany, or German Europe?

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) in cooperation with Hanns Seidel Stiftung held the public lecture „European Germany, or German Europe?” on May 25.

Future of the EU

May 4, the Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR) in cooperation with New Direction held a public lecture by Thierry Baudet, founder of the Dutch political party Forum for Democracy.

Donald Trump and the Middle East

The lecture will take place on Thursday, March 30, 2017, from 5:00 pm in the atrium of the CEVRO Institute (Jungmannova 17, Prague 1).

The Czech Republic as a Central European „Texas“?

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR)  in cooperation with the LEX – the Czech Gun Rights Protection Association organized an international conference entitled: “Czech Republic as a Central European “Texas”?” on March 23, 2017.


Negotiations with Terrorists

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic relation of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) in cooperation with the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) organised a public lecture “Negotiation with Terrorists” on December 8, 2016

The Future of Conservatism in Europe

On Thursday, December 1, The Prague Centre for Transatlantic relation of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) held a public lecture named “The Prague Centre for Transatlantic relation of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR)”.

Migration, Borders, and Security

On Thursday, November 3 The Prague Centre for Transatlantic relation of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) in co-operation with HOME AFFAIRS Internal Security Forum Prague held a public lecture called “Migration, Borders and Security” on November 3.

The Support of Communist Regimes for Terrorist Organizations in the Middle East

On Wednesday, October 26 The Prague Centre for Transatlantic relation of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) held a public lecture of Israeli political scientist and Senior Research Scholar at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) Ely Karmon and Czech historian and former Director of the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes Pavel Žáček.

How to Defeat Terrorism and Empower the Middle East

On Thursday, September 15, The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) realised a public lecture held by a Peruvian economist and the president of the Institute for Liberty and Democracy in Lima Hernando de Soto.

Flashpoints: The Emerging Crisis in Europe

On April 20, the Center for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PTCR), in cooperation with the publisher Tomas Krsek s.r.o, organized a public lecture with an intelligence expert, founder and chairman if Geopolitical Futures (, and a former chairman of STRATFOR, Dr. George Friedman.

Freedom and Security in the Age of Jihad

On Monday, April 18, the Prague Center for Transatlantic Relations at the CEVRO Institute (PTCR) and the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) held a public lecture entitled “Liberty and Security in the era of jihad” in the atrium of the CEVRO Institute.


Russia-Ukraine: What’s Next (Public Lecture)

On 19th October, a public lecture labelled “Russia-Ukraine: What’s Next” was held at the CEVRO Institute. The lecture was opened by the Director of the Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PTCR) and former Defence Minister and Foreign Minister Alexandr Vondra.

Public Talk: The Middle East Democracy Dilemmas

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute (PCTR) and the Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI) organized a public talk “The Middle East Democracy Dilemmas” within the 19th Forum 2000 Conference.

Public Lecture: The Iranian Regime as a Threat for the World Security

The public lecture entitled “The Iranian Regime as a Threat for World Security” took place on 23rd April at the CEVRO Institute. The main speaker was the former Iranian diplomat and current representative for National Council of Resistence of Iran (NCRI) in Northern Europe Perviz S. Khazai.

Club meeting with Alexander Duleba (Magda Vasaryova’s Guest)

On 16th April 2015, the Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR) organized a special public Club meeting. A guest of the seminar was the Honorary Foreign Policy Adviser to President of the Slovak Republic, director of the Research Centre of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association and an academician, Ass. Prof. (Doc.) Alexander Duleba.

Grexit: When Greece leaves the Eurozone?

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute organized a public debate entitled „Grexit: When Greece leaves the Eurozone? “, which took place on 9th April.

Club Meeting with Stefan Füle

On 2nd April 2015, a Czech diplomat and politician Stefan Füle* was a guest of the PCTR Club meeting entitled “Ukraine between East and West”.

International Conference: European Jihadists

The international conference entitled “European Jihadists” organized by the Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations (PCTR) and International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) at IDC College in Herzliya took place on 19th March at the CEVRO Institute. The event focused on one of the most serious threats for European security.

Club Meeting with Vaclav Bartuska

The first PCTR Club Meeting in the new semester took place on 25th February. Our distinguished guest, European leading expert in the field of energetics and the Ambassador-at-Large for Energy Security of the Czech Republic Vaclav Bartuska chose a very up-to-date topic “Energetics as a part of economic war”.

Public lecture: The Middle East in 2015

A public lecture entitled “Middle East in 2015” and organized by Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations took place on 19th February at the CEVRO Institute (CI). The lecture was held by the leading Israeli security expert General Yaakov Amidror.


Club Meeting with Daniel Kaiser

On 30th of October, the journalist Daniel Kaiser was a guest of the first PCTR Club meeting in the new academic year. PCTR fans had the unique opportunity to hear his story about writing a political biography of Vaclav Havel, whose second volume has been published these days.

Club Meeting with Ales Michalevic

Belarusian political prisoner Ales Michalevic was another distinguished guest of PCTR Club Session held on 29th May at CEVRO Institute. Mr. Michalevic served as the Vice-Chairman of the Belarusian Popular Front between 2004-2008 and in 2010 ran against Alexander Lukashenko in the presidential election.

Club Meeting with Jakub Zelezny

On April 24th 2014, the Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations organized the fifth seminar, which was held at the CEVRO Institute within its “Club meetings”.

The Discussion with Tomas Sabatka

On March 27th 2014, the Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations organized the fourth seminar, which was held at the CEVRO Institute within its “Association meeting”. Key speaker of the meeting was an economist, manager and motivator Tomas Sabatka.

Middle East: The Restoration of Stability or Continuing Chaos?

The Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations of the CEVRO Institute College organized a public lecture, which tried to devote to the problem and the current situation in the Middle East. The main speaker of the public lecture was an Israeli academic and director of the National Security Studies Center at the University of Haifa, Dr Dan Schueftan.